As a parent, it can be a little bit unnerving if and when your kids start asking you questions about cremation. You might not know exactly how to respond to them. But with more and more people choosing cremation services in Erie, PA these days, it’s only going to be a matter of time before your kids hear about cremation and have questions. It’s why you should prepare yourself for it and know what to say to them. Here are some practical tips on what to do when your kids ask questions about cremation.
Begin by asking your kids to tell you where they heard about cremation.
If your kids are beginning to ask you questions about cremation, there is a good chance that they’ve heard about Erie, PA cremations somewhere. You should ask them to tell you where they heard about it from so that you can get a better idea of what they might know. There is a big difference between your kids hearing about cremation from their friends or from a movie and them hearing about it from their grandparent or another family member.
Give your kids a very general rundown of cremation.
Once you know where your kids heard about cremation from, you should set them up with a very brief rundown of what cremation is. Depending on how old your kids are, you might not want to get into too many details when it comes to breaking down the cremation process. But you shouldn’t be shy about sharing a few general details that help to explain what cremation is all about.
Encourage your kids to ask you specific questions they have about cremation.
After you’ve explained cremation to your kids, they’re no doubt going to have a million and one follow-up questions for you. Rather than shooting these questions down, you should encourage your kids to ask all the questions they want. You should also try to answer these questions to the best of your ability. And if you don’t have an answer for one of their questions? Then you should look it up online together and see what you can learn with your kids. It’ll be a great learning experience for both of you.
Let your kids know you would be more than happy to talk more about cremation in the future.
As your kids continue to grow up, they might have more questions about cremation that come up in the future. You should let them know that you’re always open to answering questions about cremation or almost any other topic. By doing this, you’ll keep the lines of communication with your kids open and make it more likely that they’ll come to you when they have questions or concerns.
Do you want to get some more information on cremation prior to talking to your kids about it? Burton Quinn-Scott Cremation & Funeral Services is the Erie, PA funeral home you can turn to when you have questions about cremation. Give us a call for all your cremation needs.