Twenty years ago, it was hard to blame people for being a little bit scared of cremation services in Erie, PA. Back then, most people didn’t know a whole lot about cremation services, so naturally, some of them were afraid of cremation. But these days, you don’t need to be scared of cremation services anymore. Today, we’re going to break down some of the biggest reasons why. Find out why you shouldn’t be scared of cremation services in 2022 below.
People didn’t know much about Erie, PA cremations 20 years ago because, quite frankly, there wasn’t that much information available to them. The internet was still taking shape, so learning about cremation wasn’t as easy as Googling “learn about cremation.” You really had to dig around to find any substantial info on cremation, which wasn’t something that many people did. But nowadays, there is tons of info on cremation available. You can learn more about cremation and put your mind at ease when it comes to certain aspects of it.
Once upon a time, funeral homes that offered cremation services were few and far between. There weren’t that many funeral homes that people could turn to when they wanted to find out more about cremation services. But in this day and age, almost all of the best funeral homes offer cremation services. So if you decide to go with cremation services for yourself or a loved one, you’ll know that you’re in excellent hands. It’s another reason why you won’t have to fear cremation services.
As the cremation rate has risen across the country, the cremation industry has tightened up its operation and put a wide range of rules and regulations in place. These rules and regulations are designed to ensure that cremations are carried out safely. With this in mind, you aren’t going to have to worry about a funeral home haphazardly handling cremation services for you or a loved one. They’ll stick to the rules and regulations that have been put into place and make the cremation process a lot more predictable and a lot less scary at the same time.
Two decades ago, not everyone knew someone who had chosen to be cremated rather than buried. That alone made the idea of going with cremation services over burial services scary. But these days, there is a pretty good chance that you know at least a few people who have requested a cremation. You probably also know a few families that have planned cremations. This should make cremation services sound a little less scary than they would otherwise.
More often than not, people who are scared of cremation services in 2022 are scared of them because they still don’t know enough about them yet. If you fall into this category, Burton Quinn-Scott Cremation & Funeral Services can teach you all about the Erie, PA cremation process to make you feel more comfortable with it. We can also help you pre-plan cremation services for yourself or a loved one. Give us a call for all your cremation needs.